Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why We Love Them

I was at my best friends house last Friday (Deb from One Single Minute blog) and we got to discussing our pets. They have a cat named Priss that is the female version of the cartoon character Garfield in size and attitude! When people come into their home for the first time they are "warned" about Priss and her attitude. If she likes you, all is well, if she doesn't then beware of a possible surprise attack! Deb told me that if Priss were a person she would not like her. Why is it that we find that good/bad kind of attitude cute in our pets, especially in cats it seems, but not in people? As we both agreed it must do with the fact that they cannot speak!:p

So, this week while she and her family are on vacation my son is house and pet sitting for them. Now my son has always enjoyed having cats as pets, he has had them since he was just 6 years old and all the cats he has met immediately likes him; all except Priss. Yesterday as he and I spoke on the phone I was informed that even though he had only been there a few hours he had been "attacked" three times already by her! I found this hilarious and the irony was not lost on me! He said there may be war before his time is up there! :0 I told him to give her a couple of her treats as a peace offering in the hopes of a peace fire and truce! :)

I am sure you pet lovers out there have similar stories you could share and can relate to the situation, so stayed tuned, I'll give updates on the saga and Priss and her "cat-ti-tude"!


1 comment:

  1. Hey, just happened onto your blog from another one (I forget which). Glad I did. I was a military wife for 25 years. Son just joined the A.F. I just did a post on grocery shopping, and if you read through the whole post you will read of a memorable day I had at the commissary when my children were babies, 20 years ago in England. I am married 40 years this year. A Christian.
