Of course the answer to that question for the majority of us is, "yes!" It does most definitely apply to me as I sit here in realization of how long it's been since I posted on my blog! The acronym though applies to something much deeper than just being busy.
Back a year or so ago I heard this acronym from the word busy: Burdened Under Satan's Yoke. The irony hit me that day how well that fits the word busy. Even though we all have daily obligations that must be met, how many things do we "fill" our lives with that fits under the "yoke"? I know that I allow too many things in a lot of my days to take precious time that I shouldn't have allowed or at least not have given so much time to. At the end of the day I want to be able to say that for the majority of the time I was given I spent it wisely. I of course struggle to meet that desire but I do try to ask myself during the day, "Am I getting into the wrong kind of BUSY?"
We all have a limited number of days to live and even though I cannot undo the past and get back the hours upon hours I have wasted, I can work to make sure I am not under the busy yoke for the remainder of my days. I hope that as you read this you will do a "B-U-S-Y" check of your own time and clean out the clutter. Of course we all will have times we don't fully accomplish that every day but we just get up and do better the next day!:) I am not saying this is easy, it's not, but at the end of your days you will be able to say I am glad that I didn't stay under the "yoke".
Promo Giant Ekspres
8 years ago
We must be on the same wave-length my buddy!! I read your blog after I posted mine!!