"Marriages Wouldn't Fail If Those Who Said "I do"...DID!
I saw this on a church marquee a couple of days ago and my first thought was the relation to it of the many churches in our area showing the movie Fireproof. Before reading on, take a moment to think on that statement. How different would marriages be if that commitment wasn't forgotten or pushed aside for selfish feelings? As the day went on though it occurred to me that the statement should apply to the many areas of our lives.
Just think, if we treated that person that got "our" promotion at work and our boss that gave it to them, with the love and kindness we are commanded to do, how different would things be for us? If you went to that person and said "Congratulations on the promotion. I was really hoping to get it but I didn't. If there is anything I can do to help you and be a blessing to you please just let me know." First of all, in today's society that is a foreign concept and that person won't have a clue of how to process that at first. But if you do it with sincerity of your heart, God will bless you with other options that weren't there for you before. The peace that you would have in "doing the right thing" would allow you to see those other opportunities that maybe you would be blinded to if you allowed resentment to build up in you because you didn't get the thing you felt you deserved. You may not get what you wanted the way you wanted but you will end up with so much more if you allow Him to help you "do the right thing".
If we all worked harder to teach our kids to DO once they said "I will" how much better would this young generation be in doing the right thing? They would stay true to their word once given, they would give the respect to those in positions of authority over them. They wouldn't take that first job and then decide they don't want to do it and just never show up. They would "do the right thing" and tell that employer that they have changed their mind and will not accepting the job instead of leaving them hanging, so to speak. How many employers would have a different perspective of this young generation if that one thing was changed in them? How would it change their behavior in the classroom? How about among their friends, family, girlfriend/boyfriend?
So, to me, even though that statement I saw that day was directed to marriage and the importance of doing once saying "I do", it should cover so much more in our lives.
I hope that we all strive harder to "do the right thing" so that we will be able to truly say "I did!"
Promo Giant Ekspres
8 years ago
Great point Rhonda -- convicting too!