Over the years I have learned that there are grains of wisdom to be found in listening to others. It took some time for me to discern the wisdom from the folly but after many years of life experience I believe that I do much better, just not always 100 percent, but being human, the imperfection comes with the territory. :)
I am seeking some advice on the following: There is an issue between a married a couple that I know.The husband decided that they should take vacations/short trips in these forms; solo trips for himself, solo trips for his wife and then go on an occasional trip together. Since he devised this method he has gone on three trips alone within the last year and is leaving this weekend for his fourth solo trip which will be just over 2 weeks. He states that his trips are his down time from work and his decompress time. He has been at the same job for 11 years. She understands the need for some solo decompress time for a shore period (a few days) but is not in agreement with weeks at a time. So, for the happily married couples out there I ask; What Would You Do?
Promo Giant Ekspres
8 years ago
I think this sounds dangerous to me. I can see alone time without the children, but continued trips without the spouse? It doesn't sound healthy to me.
ReplyDeleteI think a big part of the issue is that they are not both in agreement on the issue. My husband keeps a boat down in Florida, and he goes down several times a year by himself to fish, usually for less than a week at a time. My "radar" says that he isn't doing anything "else"; he LOVES fishing, and with a child in school, I/we can't always go with him. He's a much happier man when he can get his fishing time in, and that makes me a much happier wife. But if this woman doesn't feel comfortable, it could well be that her husband is putting out vibes that she's feeling, and she realizes that something is going on. I would honestly suggest Christian counseling, not because he goes on vacations by himself but because he does so while knowing that she is against it. Just my two cents...